Kobe-based group of Japan sending letters to disaster-hit Nepal

By Supriya Singh (TOKYO, July 22, Kyodo)

After receiving letters of encouragement following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, people from northeast Japan are themselves extending the same ray of hope to victims of the disaster-stricken Nepal.

Nepal, which in recent months was devastated by two major earthquakes, is still struggling to get back on its feet. A Kobe-based organization, which provided letters — “genki mail” — to cheer up disaster victims in 2011, are delivering messages to victims of Nepal as part of another major project.

So far, the Asia Africa Cooperation Environment Center has sent some 10,000 letters to eight countries, including Russia, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Colombia and Algeria, affected by natural or man-made disasters. Japan’s victims have received about 20,000 letters from abroad. Nepal is next on the list.

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