Cabinet recommends Upreti to India’s envoy, Pandey to Malaysia  

Nepal Foreign Affairs (16 July 2018) -The government has recommended former Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Neel Kantha Uprety as Nepal’s ambassador to India.

Similarly, Uday Raj Pandey has been recommended for ambassador to Malaysia. Pandey has earlier served as Nepal’s envoy for Saudi Arabia.

The Cabinet meeting held on Monday decided to recommend Uprety and Pandey as ambassadors for the respective countries.

The recommended names will be forwarded to the respective countries for an agremo following a hearing by Parliamentary Hearing Committee.

The post of Nepali envoy for India has remained vacant following the resignation by Nepali Congress leader Deep Kumar Upadhayay to take part in the elections. The post of ambassador for Malaysia has been vacant following the return of Niranjan Man Singh Basnyat, Nepali ambassador for Malaysia.

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