CPN (UML) To Hold General Convention On Nov 18-22

Nepal Foreign Affairs (KATHMANDU, 12 March 2021) – Communist Party of Nepal – Unified Marxist and Leninist  (CPN-UML ) has decided to hold its general convention on November 18-22. The central committee meeting today took the decision in this regards.

The main ruling party has formed a 264-member for its 10th general convention organising committee which comprises of 241 central committee members of the UML and 23 of those who joined the UML deserging the CPN (Maoist Center).

The meeting that took place for two times today at Baluwatar, Prime Minister’s official residence, has also cancelled all the posts except for party chair and general secretary.

The meeting also named party in-charge for different provinces. Subash Chandra Nembang has been picked as in-charge of Province-1, Satya Narayan Mandal of Province-2, Ram Bahadur Thapa ‘Badal’ of Bagmati Province, Ananda Pokhrel of Valley, Prithvi Subba Gurung of Gandaki Province, Shankar Pokhrel of Lumbini Province, Yam Lal Kandel of Karnali Province and Lekhraj Bhatta as in-charge of of Sudur Paschim Province.

The 9th meeting of the CPN (UML) held after its 9th general convention had maintained 241 central committee members while the meetings held today are the 10th and 11th of their kind added 23 CC members and made a 264-member body.

Today’s meeting has decided to hold district convention within six months. The meeting has also scrapped section 65 (3) of the party statute that provisions retirement of leaders from politics after the age of 70.The meeting also decided to call the 12th meeting on March 20 and also inform all central committee members close to UML senior leader Madhav Kumar Nepal.

Similarly, the meeting decided to update and renew party membership by mid-July.


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