Foreign Secretary meets Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing

KATHMANDU, July 4 (Nepal Foreign Affairs)–Foreign Secretary Shanker Das Bairagi held a bilateral meeting with Chinese Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Kong Xuanyou, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing Monday afternoon.

During the meeting, both sides extensively discussed matters of bilateral relations with particular focus on status of implementation of various agreements and understanding reached during the official visit of Prime Minister K. P. Sharma Oli to China in March this year, the Nepalese Embassy in Beijing stated in a press release.

Both sides underlined the importance of having high level exchanges to enrich the substance of bilateral relations.  Substantive views were also exchanged on further promoting cooperation on trade, investment, tourism and people to people contact, connectivity and  infrastructure development for mutual benefit of both countries.

The progress made in post-disaster reconstruction in Nepal also figured during the meeting. The two sides reviewed cooperation between the two countries on regional and global issues of mutual concerns.

Following the meeting, Kong hosted a dinner in honour of the visiting Foreign Secretary and his delegation.

Foreign Secretary paid a courtesy call on Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Wang Yi at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The discussion covered the major aspects of Nepal-China relations and ways for further strengthening them, the embassy said.

“China desires to see a peaceful, stable and prosperous Nepal,” the Foreign Minister said. Foreign Secretary had conveyed sincere thanks for China’s continued support in Nepal’s development endeavors.

Joint Secretary Jhabindra Prasad Aryal, Head of North East Division in the Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Binod Bahadur Kunwar, Joint Secretary at the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Charge-d-affaires a.i. in the Embassy of Nepal Nirmal Raj Kafle, Binod Acharya, Minister (Economic), Harishchandra Ghimire, Minister Counsellor, Sabitra Oli, Second Secretary and Suvanga Parajuli, Section Officer were present on all occasions.


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