Nepal’s Foreign Minister to meet Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu next week

timthumb.phpKATHMANDU, May 20 (Nepal Foreign Affairs)--Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Kamal Thapa, who is paying an official visit to Israel next week, will call on country’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his stay in Tel Aviv, Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Friday evening.

Deputy Prime Minister Thapa’s visit to Israel from May 24 to 26 is aimed at strengthening bilateral ties between the two countries which was established in 1960, Tara Prasad Pokharel, the ministry said.

Israel has been one of the destinations for the Nepalese migrant workers over the years.

Prior to visiting Israel, the minister will be attending the World Humanitarian Summit to be held on May 24-24 in Istanbul, Turkey to be convened by the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon.

The first-ever World Humanitarian Summit is aimed  to re-inspire and reinvigorate a commitment to humanity and to the universality of humanitarian principles; initiate a set of concrete actions and commitments as well as share best practices which can help save lives around the world.

Nepalese Foreign Minister Thapa will also lead the Nepalese delegation to the comprehensive high-level midterm review of the Istanbul Programme of Action (IPOA) being held in Antalya of Turkey from May 27-29.

The IPOA is the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-20 adopted by the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC) held in Istanbul, Turkey in May 2011.

The IPOA aims at enabling half the number of least developed countries to meet the criteria for graduation from the LDC category.

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