We must support SIDS to build back better from persistent shocks

Let me begin by expressing our profound condolences to the Government and people of Papua New Guinea during this difficult time caused by the devastating landslide.

I am deeply honoured to bring a message of solidarity and togetherness from the Group of Least Developed Countries to the fellow SIDS Member States.

Let me begin by expressing our sincere and deepest gratitude to the Government and people of Antigua and Barbuda for a warm welcome and generous hospitality accorded to us since our arrival in this beautiful island country.

I commend the Co-Chairs, the Maldives, and New Zealand for their able leadership of the SIDS4 Conference preparatory process and for making this Conference a success.

I would also like to appreciate the Secretary General of the Conference and Special Advisor for the Conference, High Representative for LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDs, for their diligent efforts and unwavering support.


Vulnerabilities define the countries in special situations.

LDCs, LLDCs and SIDs are among the countries hardest hit by the impacts of compounding and intersecting crises from the pandemic to climate change, conflicts to geopolitical competition and rivalry, and ever-rising cost of living due to external shocks.

The context of SIDS is unique due to their structural vulnerability emanating from the geographical situation, lack of alternative energy sources, and burgeoning impacts of elevated frequency and intensity of climate disasters impacting them the most.

Despite the unprecedented advancements we have made in technology, innovation, and skills, countries in special situations have not received enough attention to address the vulnerabilities they face.

To our utter consternation, vulnerabilities, risks, and challenges facing SIDS are ever worsening.


SIDS are in need of stronger and enhanced global support to address the challenges they are facing.

We must help strengthen the sustainability and resilience of SIDS.

We must support SIDS to build back better from persistent shocks.

We must ensure urgent global action to the rise of sea level caused by the melting of snow in the polar regions including mountains all over the world.

SIDS deserve stronger attention and should not be left behind. We the LDCs wholeheartedly support the cause of SIDS and also underline the fact that there is an organic link between sea-level rise and melting of glaciers.

As we prepare for the Summit of the Future and the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development, it is imperative that the needs and priorities of SIDS be reflected and addressed properly.

It is only through stronger global solidarity, harmony, cooperation, and collaboration that we can address the global-level systemic problems.  We must stop carbon emissions first, the main cause of the sea-level rise and melting of glaciers before it is too late for the existence of human beings.

We, the countries in special situations, are paying a very high cost of climate change despite our negligible contribution to it.


The successful adoption of the Fourth Programme of Action the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS (ABAS) is yet another opportunity for not only SIDS but also for the entire global community to help address multidimensional vulnerabilities and challenges facing these fellow countries.

On this, I take this opportunity to extend our sincere congratulations to SIDS on the adoption of this ambitious yet achievable outcome document.

I also reiterate the commitment expressed by the LDCs at the inception of this process to engage constructively in pursuit of a successful implementation of the new 10-year mandate for the SIDS.

ABAS makes a good diagnosis of the problems SIDS face. It is an action-oriented document. It is a transformative agenda for SIDS for the coming decade.

In light of this successful Conference, we must not forget that effective implementation is of paramount importance to translating this ambitious document into action. Only actions, not lofty plans will serve the interests of SIDS as well as of the entire global community.


As our stakes are common in terms of sustainable economic development and threats of the climate crisis, we LDCS and SIDS must work together with a sense of strong partnership to make this world more sustainable, equitable, inclusive, and just.

In this critical juncture, we LDCs would like to join our voice with fellow SIDS members to call upon development partners, multilateral stakeholders, the UN development system, and the entire global community to stand with SIDS with a robust and enhanced level of support to bring ABAS into action.

I once again, express our strong solidarity with SIDS and wish the Conference a grand success!!!

Thank you.

Statement by Ms. Sewa Lamsal, Foreign Secretary, and Leader of the Nepali Delegation to the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) on Behalf of the Group of Least Developed Countries (LDCs)

27-30 May 2024 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda

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